Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Egg Questions

1. Before he was a cheerful man who helped others and liked to relax after work. After he married, he became ambitious and worked very hard to improve his life.

2. He thinks chickens represent the bad parts of life and disappointment.

3. He was surrounded with death growing up. He's seen a lot of failure which has made him cautious and wary of things.

4. The deformed chickens represent the weird things that can come out of seemingly normal things.

5. He decides to entertain. This is wrong because he initially started out to try and change his life. This is fine, but it's different when you try and change who you are. When his dad tries to be entertaining, it only makes the situation awkward and uncomfortable.

6. Where eggs are concerned in his life, there will be disappointment. The "victory" of the egg is that eggs have caused another disappointment in his life.

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