Sunday, September 25, 2011

American Tones

- What's voice in literature?
In literature voice is the tone and personality of the author. It's also the attitude the author uses to get across what he/she is trying to say. We can tell the voice of the author by the word choice and phrasing the author chooses.

- How do you create voice in literature?
Voice is created by a mixture of everything in your writing piece. For example, your choice of adjectives adds to your voice and the style you choose to write with also adds to it. You can't create voice through one specific element, voice is created by the overall mood and tone of the piece.

- Is creating voice intentional or not?
I think that when the author writes about an unfamiliar subject or to an unfamiliar audience, the voice he/she chooses to use is intentional. However, when the author is comfortable and familiar with the subject/audience, his/her voice is unintentional.

- What can we learn about the author from how they approach a topic?
One thing we can learn from the way the author approaches the topic is their personality, for example, if they're straightforward, or if they prefer to talk around the subject.

- Why and how is voice important in different genres?
The voice the author uses sets the mood for the piece and certain tones fit genres better than others. For example, the voice in a children's fairy tale would have a very different voice than that of a book for a college course. It's important because it determines what sounds more appropriate for what occasions.

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