- Identify three images in this song.
1. "Pools of sorrow, waves of joy drifting through my open mind" This provides the image of a person experiencing and accepting all kinds of emotions.
2. "Sounds of laughter, shades of joy" Here, you can see happiness all around the world.
3. "Limitless undying love, which shines around me like a million suns, it calls me on and on across the universe" You see a person surrounded by love.
- Are any of these images symbols in context? Explain.
In this song, the speaker's world/universe is a symbol of his life and all the components included in his life. And using the previous symbol, the "love like a million suns [that] calls [him] on and on across the universe" is a symbol of the loved ones in his life, supporting him throughout his life. In context, these images are symbols because it is the universe is the focus of his song and the "love like a million suns" provides a connection to his life.
- Explain one symbol that you know to be symbols. What makes it more than an image?
The world/universe is a symbol of his life, it is more than an image because it is a reoccuring subject and signifies something more to him than just the surface definition.
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